
nicolecarter's picture
Morgan City Louisiana
My Story: 

I have been struggling with my weight all of my life. Literally I have always been the fat sister. My daughter was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 3 and my weight spiraled out of control for 16 years. Now I have decided I have to do something about my weight. This realization came when my husband told me he has a problem with my weight and I was bathing in the dark. This was my wake up call. He was sent out of town to work so of course I'm terrified he will find someone else, someone thin....but i cannot control what he does.
I started the ideal protein diet 2 weeks ago and it is very expensive! But I'm doing it for me!!
I have lost 12 pounds so far and need to lose 50 more! I will do this for me and my children as they need me!!

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