
carniecam63's picture
My Story: 

I started Ideal Protein once before and lost over 30 pounds in 3 months. I got a little bored towards the end, and because Christmas popped up I fell off my diet. I never did go through all the phases, and eventually a year later I was back to square one. I'm back on it this time with the goal of making it through all my phases, getting to my ideal weight, and possibly becoming a coach myself. That way I could help people and keep my weight in check. What will be different this time is that I will use more of the recipes and change up my meals with different veggies and new Ideal Protein meals. I finally tried the pancakes (don't like Pancakes usually) and loved them with the Ideal Protein Maple Syrup. They tasted decadent! So excited for help and input from all my Ideal Protein family. xo

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