Sick with cold

Well, my 8 year old was sick with a cold this week, gotta love going back to school. I ended up fighting it later in the week, however, I still managed to keep up with my running and workouts. By Friday though, I decided to give myself a break (I ran 3 times last week) and Saturday. Last evening, Saturday I started feeling worse and unfortunately, I was registered for a golf tournament today.

I went, even though I knew I should stay in bed, but I didn't want to let my friends down and in turn I took some cold medicine and had a blast. However, being in the wind and cold today, I am worse for wear. So, dilemma, when do you push yourself and when do you rest?

I am now in a situation where I have a 10K run next Saturday in Banff. I will now need to focus on getting healthy and won't be able to get in some last runs in before mid week. I did have a great time and I am sure by later in the week I will be better, I should hope. My husband did not think it was the smartest thing to do and wasn't holding it back when he told me how awful I looked. Lesson learned...don't know.